Всем привет, тут я буду выкладывать ебуки по манимейкингу на английском, читаются легко, так что проблем с переводом возникнуть не должно, некоторые книжки буду выкладывать с аннотацией, некоторые нет, сразу скажу видео из курсов заливать не буду ибо геморройно да и не нужно оно.
Autopilot Cash Formula
In the Autopilot Cash Formula, you will find simple written steps that tell you exactly how you will setup this company model. The course also comes with 24 videos in a tutorial format to help walk you through the method. What I personally love about the videos is the fact that you get to basically look over this guy's shoulder and see how he really makes money.
Here is what the Autopilot Cash Formula will teach you:
• The Fastest and Most Effective Product Creation Methods.
• The Easiest Way To Build A Massive And Responsive List.
• How To Blast A Ton of Traffic To Any Offer.
• How To Generate Loads of Easy Sales.
• How To Earn Recurring Income For Life.
• Learn To Generate Loads of Affiliate Sales.
• Examples With Links To Actual Affiliate Offers.
• Squeeze Page Templates That Convert.
• Secret Techniques That Even The Gurus Aren’t Using Yet.
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Start Earning High Monthly Retainer Fees Now-Start A Legitimate Private Practice Today
Start a real world, Private Practice, providing two very specific services that clients actually want and are happy to pay you for!
These services are very easy to provide, once you understand the right way to do it.
This business is fully scalable and can be completely outsourced as your portfolio of clients grows.
You will not spend a dime on advertising.
Prospective clients will be calling you first to learn more.
This is a true, step-by-step blueprint that includes every form and every checklist that I use to run my practice each day.
I am going to show you every single action that I take every day to run my company.
You're going to learn the following three systems for properly running your practice:
1.) My system for acquiring as many new clients as I want, without spending any money on advertising and without making a single cold call.
2.) My system for keeping my clients happy, so that they're glad to pay me hundreds of dollars each month.
3.) My system for scaling and outsourcing this business so that I can continue to add new clients to my portfolio, without having to work more.
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craiglist ringtone method (blackhat)
На сегодня всё  |