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# Пн Авг 18, 2008 6:30 pmCaptonNemo Зарег.: 21.04.2008 ; Сообщ.: 661Ответить с цитатой
exoticgold не могу понять, у них есть рсс для каждого платника, подписался я на фид, построил блог на фриблогохосте, потом есче и есче и т. д. одел его то се… не забыл про сео, и по идеи все??? или я есче должен добавить каждый свой блог в их Direct Links ???
…вообщем из-за ангилиского не могу не чего понять(
# Пн Авг 18, 2008 8:28 pmCaptonNemo Зарег.: 21.04.2008 ; Сообщ.: 661Ответить с цитатой
вот что там написано) помогите плизз разобраться

To use this feature you must add your domain(s) to our database at Direct Links menu. When surfer enters the paysite, our software checks his referring domain and then scans the database for match. If the domain from which the surfer has come matches the one you've added to database - your advertising id automatically appears on join page!
Moreover, variables like your id, Trafficback URL, entrance console, and page to show are still working, but not visible to surfer!
You can control those variables as well at Direct Links menu for each domain independently.

* System recognizes DOMAINS only (including third level) and doesnt recognize full URLs. That means that you MUST have any domain to use this feature. Please use freehosts which give a subdomains instead of folders on their domain (send surfers from http://yoursite.freehost.com and NOT http://freehost.com/yoursite). Otherwise your traffic will not be counted.

* Referring URL's are not working in FRAMES and CONSOLES - so Direct Links will not work either! Please use normal (clickable) links in frames and consoles.

Once again, correct usage of all these features will definitely raise your earnings - you will not need any other program ever!

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