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# Ср Май 23, 2007 7:38 pm$ Зарег.: 15.04.2007 ; Сообщ.: 273Ответить с цитатой
Они были не живые, не мертвые. Тут их решили прикрыть официально.

Dear webmaster,

You are receiving this e-mail because you are a member of the following toplist group:


Due to the fact that these toplists aren't profitable anymore we have decided to close them down at this time. Please remove all links to any of these sites. The sites will be closed down by Sunday 05/27/2007 and traffic still being sent to them will be redirected to other web properties. We appreciate your prompt attention to this important email and thank you for your past affiliation with the above captioned websites.
# Чт Май 24, 2007 12:06 amMr Frod Зарег.: 06.03.2007 ; Сообщ.: 1275Ответить с цитатой
Я работаю с этими топами, такое письмо еще не получал.
# Чт Май 24, 2007 12:17 ampirate Зарег.: 16.05.2006 ; Сообщ.: 531Ответить с цитатой
овнер решил их продать

Hello webmasters,

In light of our recent email regarding the following toplists:


I have been contacted by several parties interested in purchasing the toplists and maintaining them. I suggest keeping your links active until this matter is resolved because there is now a possibility these sites will remain active under new management.

Also, if you are interesting more information or if you would like to discuss purchase of these sites please contact me at webmaster@allnichetops.com

Thank you for your time, we will contact you again when more information becomes available.

Martin - toplist support

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